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Scotch Yoke Vesus Rack & Pinion Actuators

  • Scotch Yoke Vesus Rack & Pinion Actuators: What's the difference?

    A rack and pinion actuator is a linear actuator that converts rotary motion into linear motion using a gear rack and a pinion gear. It is commonly utilized in various applications including automotive steering systems and industrial automation.On the other hand, a scotch yoke actuator is another type of linear actuator that converts rotary motion into linear motion using a slotted arm, also known as a yoke, and a piston. This type of actuator is typically employed in valves and pumps. Although both actuators accomplish the task of converting rotary motion to linear motion, they differ in their operational mechanisms. Rack and pinion actuators rely on a gear rack and pinion gear, while scotch yoke actuators use a slotted arm and a piston. The choice between these actuators depends on specific application requirements and desired performance characteristics.In general, rack and pinion actuators are more compact and occupy less installation space, while scotch yoke actuators offer greater torque and travel efficiency.

  • Scotch Yoke and Rack & Pinion Comparison Table

    Parameter Scotch Yoke Rack & Pinion Comments
    Cost Lower Higher
    Torque Higher Lower
    Lifecycle 1 Million+ 1 Million+
    Frame size Slightly longer Slightly shorter
    Torque as function of Stroke Non-Linear Constant The Scotch York torque curve provides a perfect match for butterfly valves.
    Positioning(Throttling)Application no yes For positioning applications, the Rack & Pinion Constant Torque Curve offers an optimal match.
    Available in Spring Return(SR) or Double Acting(DA) yes yes
    Retrofittable between SR & DA no yes
  • Rack & Pinion Working Diagram

    Scotch Yoke Working Diagram

  • Pneutork Valve Automation offers a comprehensive selection of actuated valves, actuators, and associated accessories. For any inquiries or questions regarding these products, please feel free to contact us at:

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Motorized PTFE Lined Butterfly Valve

Pneutork offers electrical actuator operated PTFE lined butterfly valve for corrosive application. The PTFE seal lined covers the entire wetted surface of the body and extends on to the flanged contact taces. The elimination as possibility of media contact with the body.

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Butterfly Valve Specification.
Valve Type Centric disc butterfly valve with PTFE lined body
Body Type Shoft Wafer Type (sandwiched between flanges) two piece design
Seat Type Teflon Sleeve
End Connection Wafer Sandwiched
Pressure Rating PN 10 / PN16 (On Request)
Oper. Temp. Range -160ºC depending on MOC
Seat Leakage Tight Shut off
No. Description Material
2 Disc DI/SS 304 / SS 316
3 Seat PTFE
4 Collar PTFE
5 “O” Ring Viton
6 Metal Bush PTFE Coated
7 Top Shaft AISI 410
8 Pad Silicon
9 Disc Pin S. S. 304
10 Bottom Shaft AISI 410
11 “O” Ring Viton
12 Plug M.S.
13 Electric Actuator Standard.
Valve Size
Inch A B ØD
40 1.1/2" 55.5 81.5 33.5
50 2" 60.5 100 43.5
65 2.1/2" 68 107.5 46
80 3" 75.5 115 46
100 4" 85.5 125 52
125 5" 108.5 167.5 56
150 6" 121 180 56
200 8" 146 205 60
250 10" 221 271 68
300 12" 252 296 78
350 14" 271 312 78
400 16" 300 365 102
450 18" 332 368 90
500 20" 377 420 90

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